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November 02, 2017
The Morning Rant: J.V. Edition
I don't know how to use a calculator (although they do taste good), so I can't figure out how many millKohns this really, really embarrassingly stupid Tweet is worth. But in my world, I would definitely fling some poo at her.
We fought a war to separate ourselves from a system of government that deified its leaders. I have no interest in returning to that system, and the worship of any man, for any reason, smacks of loss of free will and a desire for a return to authoritarianism.
I will leave the evaluation of this tweet's milliKohns to GorillaPundit, but I will call her a disgusting, foolish, anti-freedom idiot.
The claim, in an article at the website "Patheos," is that 4Chan's White NAtionalists are branching out and making overt political statements to support their quest to make America a lily-white country and throw all people not able to trace their lineage to the Mayflower into concentration camps, or at the very least deport them to um...I have no idea where. Is it okay to be white? Please don't click the link. It's a profoundly stupid place, with the usual soft-left vision of America and religion that we have all come to know and despise. I had heard of the place but never bothered to visit until this morning. That yell you heard echoing through the Ramapo Mountains (mountains? Hah!) was me after I read two articles in their "Jewish" section. Written by leftist Jews who would probably have dropped Zyklon B pellets for the Nazis to get an extra ration of food.
Anyway, there it is. Ace, AceCorp, the cobloggers and Pixy are in no way liable for any damage to your walls if you start banging your head against them after reading this.
Is it okay to be white? Of course it's okay to be white. What's not okay is to behave the way that many un-self-aware white people behave towards people of color, because these behaviors result in harm, ranging from mild irritation to loss of life in a police encounter. Not every white person exhibits these behaviors all the time. Some white people have their eyes opened to racialized social dynamics that help them change their behavior. Some white people simply inhabit the world with enough humility, teachability, and empathy that they're able to avoid being harmful without an explicitly racial consciousness.
(That's not the worst part)
I guess my lack of humility, my complete and total disinterest in being taught, and my dearth of empathy for people who think I am subhuman makes me harmful. I wonder what the next step in that progression is for these people? 9 grams of lead, complete with a bill for the expenditure sent to my family?
[Hat Tip: commenter "Lizzy," although maybe we should be angry at her!]
This is just in case you weren't confident that the NFL is a pathetic and disgusting organization that cares nothing for its fans, has no dignity whatsoever, and would probably have you killed by a rabid moose if it meant some positive cash flow and a bump in the ratings.
Here's Why You Don't See Much Footage of the First Super Bowl
Troy Haupt of North Carolina owns the only existing copy of the very first Super Bowl, the Green Bay Packers' 1967 win over the Kansas City Chiefs.
At the time, the game was broadcast live on CBS and NBC, and while it might sound ridiculous nowadays, neither network had any sort of archival policy, and the NFL did not keep a copy of the broadcast. The broadcast was long thought to be lost to the ages. Indeed, the only reason any recording of the first Super Bowl recording exists at all is that Haupt's father taped the live broadcast on a Quadruplex machine almost 50 years ago.
And the NFL is gnashing its teeth about it.
What a pathetic organization they are. $1,000,000 isn't really that much for them, and any halfway-decent marketing major from a second tier college could figure out how to make this a huge bonanza for the league.
They are disgusting, and I hope this guy figures out a way to monetize his recording and screw the league out of as much money as he can.
[Hat Tip: ComradeArthur}