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September 19, 2017
The Morning Rant

"Ahoy, maties! If I be th' GOP, I be tryin' t' keep Hillary on th' radar as much as possible. Shiver me timbers! 'cause ye know wha' Americans wants right now aft a bitter 'n contentious election be MOAR HILLARY ALL THE TIME! Arrrrrr!"
Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day to all!
This has already been mentioned in the comments, but I have to highlight it here: Trump is knocking it out of the park at the U.N. today. Here is the best line from his speech:
"Venezuela has failed not because socialism has been badly implemented but because it's been faithfully implemented"
This is a line that's going to be remembered for a long time. Which is why the alt left is beside itself with impotent rage.
From yesterday's Rant:
104 Funny to see Pittsburgh mentioned. My 17yo daughter is a HS senior this year, and was considering University of Pittsburgh for college. I've never been to Pittsburgh, and I know absolutely nothing about it. Does anyone have a real opinion about that campus? How worried should I be about my daughter going there?
Posted by: Chris M at September 18, 2017 11:57 AM (eAZVt)
Might want to have a look at this:
This. Is CNN:

I have got to get me one of these:
This is an amazingly accurate chart. You'll want to click on it to see the larger version. Full disclosure: I'm Presbyterian (Reformed).

click for larger version

posted by OregonMuse at
11:25 AM
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