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September 18, 2017
The Morning Rant

"It's hard to believe that this country was founded by men who thought that the people's liberty had a higher priority than the government's interests. People don't realize this until a SWAT team comes pounding on their door at 4am because they helped raise money for the wrong candidate."
(You can read about the incident in Wisconsin GP is referring to here.)
Boobs on CNN:
Love Trumps Hate Part MCCXXVII
Last week I mentioned a lawyer who got fired for making a vile tweet about Molly DeVos. I speculated he could probably find a progressive law firm that would hire him, and it looks like this firm in San Francisco would be a good fit for him:

This isn't a photoshop.
Their website indicates they handle a lot of medical marijuana cases. Also, they "meant every word" of the sign.
The firm's slogan is "Defenders of Justice and Liberty". And by "justice and liberty", I think they mostly mean weed.
Diversity is Strength!
Hillary Is Literally Hitler. No, Really:

I know I've mentioned this before, but have you morons read the
25-point platform of the Nazi Party? If you take out all of the German-nationalistic stuff, you pretty much have the 2016 Democratic Party platform.
I still can't get over the cover photo of the book the Clinton-Kaine campaign published to promulgate their campaign platform:
Look at it. "Stronger Together"? You mean, stronger like a bunch of sticks tied together? Really? And Kaine's giving a full-on Nazi salute there. What were they thinking? I can only imagine if they found a photo of Trump holding his arm out like that. CNN would have to go into crisis intervention en masse.
Another photo of Sister Mary Chainsaw:
She really does remind me of those formidable old-school nuns who terrorized me in Catholic primary school. They didn't have the budget for chainsaws, but one item of their standard issue was a heavy rosary they could twirl around like numchucks, and don't you dare get caught talking in class, because whap!
Unlike many other Catholic grade schools, the one I attended did not have capital corporal punishment, but that didn't stop an angry nun from yanking you by the ear, the hair, or by your shirt collar. In the 3rd and 4th grade, I was classified as a Disciplinary Problem, who has a Smart Mouth, who Disrupts Class and who Always Wastes His Time, so I experienced all of this first hand. And let me tell you, you haven't gone to Catholic school until you've had a furious nun grab a handful of your shirt collar up around the back of your neck and perp walk you to the principal's office.
Dumb Tweet of the Week(end):
Dumbness rating: 750 millikohns.
MY post campaign ritual is watching this video and laughing hysterically.
Also, the butthurt in this video is delicious.

posted by OregonMuse at
11:34 AM
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