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September 11, 2017
The Morning Report 9/11/17
Good morning kids. Another week is upon us, and first up is Hurricane Irma and its aftermath. It slammed the Keys and has been battering the Gulf Coast of Florida, though the entire state has been severely affected. Thoughts and prayers with the victims and families as the recovery begins.
Above the fold, today is the anniversary of the 9/11/01 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 Americans by the forces of a 1,400-year-old totalitarian death cult dressed up as a religion that seeks our subjugation or annihilation in the process. Because most of western society has been devoured by a death cult of its own making that seeks the same goal, and is in fact allied with the former to achieve it, we have collectively accomplished very little if anything after what should have been a wake up call to end all wake up calls. G-d help us. And may G-d rest the souls of those butchered at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and in Shanksville, PA.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
Greenfield: Everything I Need to Know About Islam I Learned on 9/11/01
Top Muslim Scholar: Stop Pretending Orthodox Islam and Violence Aren't Linked
Saudi Government Allegedly Funded a Dry Run for 9/11 Attacks
Irma Batters Florida with Wind, Rain and Catastrophic Storm Surge
British Intel Fears NorKs Helped by Farsis to Get Nukes
Bannon Praises PDT, Slams Liberals, MFM, Drunken Granny and Bushes on 60 Midgets (Multiple Links at Breitbart)
Left Is Freaking Out Over Molly DeVos Because School Choice an Existential Threat
US Readies Strictest Sanctions Ever on NorKs at UN
Rep. McClintock: "GOP Have Effectively Given Chuck Schumer Operational Control of Senate"
Seven "Antifa" Terrorists Arrested for Attacking Cops at Portland Patriot Prayer Rally
Pelosi in Hot Water with Soros, Terrorists for Denouncing "Antifa"
Not-an-Onion-Headline Dept.: Portland Police Purge Gang Database Because Not Enough White People In It
Swamp Notes: Secret Service Offered to "Fast Track" Retirement for Able-Bodied Personnel as Hush Money
The Mile High Country Club: How the Fed Subsidizes Flights to Bar Harbor, ME
PDT Still Pushing Tax Reform Despite Democrat One-Percenter Bromides
Measuring PDT's Success in the Dismantling of Seven Obama Executive Orders
Bluegrass Blues: KY Pension Troubles Are a Bellwether for the Nation