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September 08, 2017
In Wake of Accusations About "Lewd Texts," Eric Bolling Parts from Fox "Amicably"
Fox is really getting decimated by these sexual harassment claims.
Charles V. Payne, on the other hand, has apparently been cleared by an investigation, and will be returning to Fox Business.
I can't offer any opinion on Bolling's "parting" from Fox because I don't know what his texts are alleged to be, and in what context, etc. I can imagine very lewd texts which would justify a firing; I can also imagine much-less-lewd texts that could be ginned up into an outrage that I'd shrug at.
Okay, after googling, the Huffington Post claims it was unsolicited pictures of genitals, presumably his own, or else that would be plagiarism. He allegedly sent them to "at least three" women, some time ago.
Ehhh... The only defense I can think of is The George Costanza Defense.