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September 01, 2017
The Morning Rant

"Some idiots are saying hurricanes aren't natural disasters. OK, then we need to create a new federal agency, the 'Federal Hurricane Distribution Center', and staff it with progressives top to bottom. Then task them with making sure that every state gets their fair share of hurricanes, and within 5 years, there won't be any."
Hey look, I found a photo of all the supplies donated to hurricane Harvey relief by Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and Women's March:
The Busted Narrative - 1
The Busted Narrative - 2
The Most Disgusting Thing You'll Read All Day

click to embiggen
You're really going to want to click on the image so you read it for yourself. If I'm understanding it correctly, the laws of Great Britain, has made it de facto illegal to defend yourself against assault or rape. The laws forbid you to do anything that might cause injury to your attacker. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but the right to defend yourself is a fundamental human right that transcends any government. I wonder how long it will be before this point gets raised in a British court. Until that time, the lawless have a blank check, signed by the Crown, to do pretty much whatever they want.
Frog and Toad Do Politics:
Conspiracy Theory Delivery Service:

click to embiggen(h/t Hank Curmudgeon)
Dang, This Never Gets Old:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:31 AM
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