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August 24, 2017
Charleston Shooting Ends With One Dead, Millions of Progressives So Disappointed They Just Can't Even
Here were the Twitter Progz expecting -- and hoping -- that the shooter would be a White Man. I would say "Evil White Man," but that seems redundant in 2017.
Well, it turns out he was a black guy.
CNN follows its stylebook here, which demands that all white perps be identified as such, and that nonwhite perps not be described in any detail.
Remember, the media stopped reporting on crime almost altogether -- and carefully omitting racial attributes of minority perps where it was forced to report on it -- when minority activists objected, arguing -- plausibly -- that showing daily a parade of minority criminals would influence the public that minorities are criminals.
That's plausible. I'm not sure I can agree that the trade-off -- embargoing news -- is worth it, but the rational is plausible.
In which case I have to ask:
Why does the media make sure that all white perps involved in crimes, especially racial or political ones, are relentlessly reported on and their whiteness made central to the story?
Does the media not think the same rule applies, that is, constantly featuring criminals of a certain race will poison public opinion against that race?
Or do they merely approve of poisoning public opinion against the One True Evil Race?