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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
August 23, 2017
The Morning Report 8/23/17
Good morning kids. Loaded for bear with the link-fu as we hit the midweek mark. Last night, the President had another great rally in Phoenix. Throngs of supporters withstood temps that were over the century mark to hear him blast his, and really our enemies in the media/political Deep State complex, promising them a fight for the things he was elected to produce. It's an open secret that Mitch McCriminal and the President are, to be charitable, not seeing eye to eye; in fact there have been reports of shouting matches between the two. Reacting to that, PDT threatened a government shutdown if the border wall was not funded. He also took shots at John McStain and Jeff Fake. Meanwhile outside, the criminal insurrectionist goon squads attempted to riot, but were effectively handled by the police (see link #4 and enjoy).
In other news, a mixed bag of things. As usual, as PDT scores points with the people, alarm bells are being raised by immigration hawks about a proposed Amnesty deal being floated by some in the administration, and there's also a sobering essay by a former intelligence analyst who asks if the Deep State has won. But on a positive note, IBD is tracking the President's successful efforts on the infrastructure front while the great Molly McCaughey assures us that the dismantling of NAFTA is going on as planned.
Lastly, a Planned Parenthood stooge openly admits the purpose of the agency (hint; it ain't mammograms and condoms) while the cultural revolution crosses the Atlantic and its target is Blighty. The first shot in that regard was when the ex-president returned the bust of Churchill. Meh, the Islamists will be converting Westminster into the next Hagia Sofia within a generation, so what's the big deal? (sarc).
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.