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August 11, 2017
Ice T Is Sickened By All the New Crimes He's Seen on Law & Order: SVU
This is a two year old gag but I'd never heard of it before (until Diversity & Comics mentioned it).
The gag goes like this: take a screenshot of Ice T talking on L&O: SVU (which is, I think, still on, unbelievably), and add a caption where he explains some Hot New Drug on the Streets, or some Evil New Sex Crime that's goin' down.
The guy who made up this gag is LiarTown, who's funny but also NSFW (he photoshops large penises on to pigeons, for example).
Here are the Ice T will now explain a baroque new crime to you memes. They're visually safe for work, but some of the stuff Ice T explains is goin' down the streets is pretty spicy stuff.
Like here's one: