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August 09, 2017
The Morning Report 8/9/17
Good morning kids. Happy Nagasaki Day! And speaking of Fat Man, obviously the situation with Whoa, Fat! is at the top of the heap this morning. As I had mentioned last night in the comments, decades of inaction and incredibly stupid appeasement have brought us to the situation we face today. If we launch an attack on the NorKs, they will unleash an artillery barrage from over 50,000 howitzers that could potentially devastate Seoul. And forgetting about their nukes for a moment, they no doubt have chemical and biological weapons that could be unleashed as well. But to back down and allow a manifestly insane person to obtain and perfect nuclear armed ICBMs is completely unacceptable. Lest we forget, North Korea has very close ties with Iran and no doubt the two are sharing their technology. The time to act is now. Better to endure a bit of pain now than the unthinkable at some point down the road.
In other news, the Obamacare death spiral continues as Anthem Blue Cross is pulling out of most of Nevada and Georgia as well as here in New York City, where I just received a letter notifying me that they will no longer be offering my policy starting the first of the New Year.
We also have one report that is cheering PDT for standing up to McYertle followed up by a report that he is backing McYertle's stooge candidate Luther Strange in Alabama. I've linked to two great pieces from Daniel Greenfield and Katie Hopkins about the Adolph Hipsters at Google, and there is an infuriating report about a $1.5 billion slush fund that the EPA is using to circumvent Congressional budget oversight. Over to you, Deputy Dawg Sessions.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.