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August 09, 2017
The Morning Rant

"You know what bothers me most about this Google memo story is how virtually every single media outlet completely f*ed it up. 'He hates women', one reporter said, or 'The memo claims women are biologically unsuited for computer science'. That's not what the guy wrote. The media coverage is so bad, I can find no evidence that any reporter actually read the memo."
The Babylon Bee always brings teh funny: New Google Technology Autocorrects Users’ Thoughts:
“Let’s say you start thinking there may be some kind of inherent biological difference between men and women,” Google employee Ryan Vo said in a live demo of the new tech. “Immediately, the thought suggestion program in any nearby Google device, app, or service will scrub the idea of inherent gender differences and replace them with the sure knowledge that there are at least three hundred different genders in existence, and always has been.”
Screw The Onion. The Babylon Bee is the best humor site on the web.
Screen shot:
By Request
Lena Dunham...or a nylon stocking full of lard?
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at August 07, 2017 12:34 PM (6t8+a)
Couldn't find the lard, but I did find this:
I was going add the code so you can click on the pic for a larger version, but I don't think anybody wants that.
This was kind of cruel (but I laughed):
This Never Gets Old:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:17 AM
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