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August 04, 2017
The Morning Rant

"So I notice the dumb bunny feminists like to use the word 'fearless' to describe themselves. Like that stupid statue of the little girl in front of the Wall Street bull. They want to be thought of as courageous, but courageous doesn't mean fearless, it means putting your fears aside and doing what honor and duty call you to do. 'Fearless' is a word used by cowardly people who don't have a clue what courage actually is."

And speaking of courage, or the lack thereof, the above photo is one of Sweden's fearless fightin' feminist government representatives on a state visit to Iran. And this after Iranian women's rights groups implored them 'please don't kowtow to the mullahs, that's not helping our cause at all.'
You have to wonder, though, how many of these fearless fightin' feminists believe that the hijab is nothing more than a fun fashion accessory that a Muslim woman can choose either to wear or not wear entirely at her discretion?
History of the world, according to progressives:
I admit I was a bit confused by the tweet's use of the word 'normie'. I thought 'normie' meant 'a normal person' (i.e. like us), but it actually means pretty much the opposite:
"Normie" refers to people who use popular social media and believes the popular opinion. They don't think for themselves, if something is considered "ok" they'll do it, even if it makes them monsters- they care more about the opinion of the projected "standard" of society than any actual values or beliefs.
Britain (still) swirling the drain:
The wokest movie of the year:

(h/t SandyCheeks)
Ha ha!

posted by OregonMuse at
11:25 AM
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