� Shock: Same Media Outlets That Pushed Fusion GPS' "Research" to the Public Now Covering Up Fusion GPS' Work on Behalf of Mother Russia |
Andy McCarthy: If You Think the Imran Awan Investigation Is About Bank Fraud, You're Wrong.
It's About Islamophobia. �
July 31, 2017
Trump Fires Scaramucci/
Press Conference Thread
Update: The official statement said that Trump wanted to give his new Chief of Staff a "clean state," but CNN is claiming that John Kelly wanted Scaramucci out. Who knows, maybe he insisted on that as a price of taking the job.
So, the rumors I hear, which are just rumors and I have no idea if any of this is true, is that Jared and Ivanka wanted Scaramucci in. Their plan was that Scaramucci would be part of some palace jockeying to get Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon out.
They got the first half of that, but Bannon stayed. Now their pick for Comms Director is also fired.
It's a strange thing that Reince and Steve Bannon were (per this rumors) allies, but I guess maybe they were tactical allies just against the Jared/Ivanka wing.
At any rate, while I wasn't a fan of Priebus, I'm even less of a fan of the Jared/Ivanka liberal wing.
Press Conference: Livestream here. So far, McMasters and Mnuchin have each taken a turn to denounce the auto-gulpe in Venezuela and announce personal sanctions on the dictator Maduro, freezing his personal assets in the US, and threatening to impose similar sanctions on anyone assisting in the coup against democracy.
They did not (unless I missed it) announce the US would embargo all Venezuela oil.
Update: No, I didn't miss it; they did not announce any embargo of our oil to Venezuela (do we have to refine it for them?) or any of Venezuela's to the US. They did allow they would "monitor" the situation and left the Oil Card on the table, but it sounds like they don't want to do it.