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July 31, 2017
JK Rowling Tweet About Trump Refusing to Shake Hand of Little Boy Gets 76,000 Retweets; Boy's Mother Asks Her to Correct Lie; JK Rowling Refuses
When someone shows you who they are, believe them.' - Maya Angelou https://t.co/Op6HUrRo80
J.K. Rowling
Note that the tweet she includes is about Trump allegedly snubbing this boy, but it's no longer available -- apparently the original writer has delected it. Because it's a lie and all.
But JK Rowling keeps on keeping on.
How stunning, and how horrible, that Trump cannot bring himself to shake the hand of a small boy who only wanted to touch the President.
J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling)
Neither the boy's mother, nor journalists tweeting to JK Rowling to take down her lie, can get her to budge on it.
The Federalist has a good article on the left's bizarre elevation of this Young Adult writer (who can apparently only write one book) to leader of the Adult Babies.
Update: Now that Politifact has rated JK Rowling's tweet as pants-on-fire #FakeNews, she's finally deleted them.
Originally I included links to her tweets but now I just have up the text she included in them, as she's finally deleted them.