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July 31, 2017
The Morning Rant

"So Ernie my feeder comes in yesterday with the usual daily shovelful of sh* I got to eat and I ask him, Ernie, what do you do if you've got an elephant with three balls? And he says, I don't know, GP, what *do* you do if you've got an elephant with three balls?. And I says, you walk him and pitch to the rhino. Ha ha, get it? Pretty funny, huh? And then I see Ernie moving his lips like he's repeating the joke to himself, and then, bam, nothing, he just stares at me with this dumb look on his face. I'm telling you, I could be writing for Conan O'Brien if I weren't surrounded by idiots."
I sleep soundly at night knowing that the New York Times hires only the best and brightest people:
What's disheartening is that a lot of the comments are even dumberer.
Yes, an elected federal official actually said this:
I can't duplicate Monty's great 'DOOM' threads, so this will have to do:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:29 AM
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