"I used to be thin. Then some imam put a fatwa on m ..."
"Captain Whitebread, good to see you! ..."
Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner:
"Hello ..."
"Well, TBF, Ted's father was involved in the assass ..."
Deplorable Jay Guevara[/i][/s][/b]:
"Pompeo received protection because he had a fatwa ..."
Anonosaurus Rex, Now Is the Winter of Our Discontent Made Glorious Summer By This Son of [New] York:
"Ho Ho Homan.
https://is.gd/YV7oYt ..."
"osted by: Thomas Bender at January 23, 2025 08:19 ..."
Dr. Claw:
'I will say, and this is honest, one of my fr ..."
Deplorable Jay Guevara[/i][/s][/b]:
" The fuckface fake "news" in England (I don't say ..."
ShainS -- Make Treason Executable Again! [/b][/i][/s][/u]:
"As much as I dislike Amazon, I hope that Bezos sue ..."
Anonosaurus Rex, Now Is the Winter of Our Discontent Made Glorious Summer By This Son of [New] York:
"Ho Ho Homan.
https://is.gd/YV7oYt ..."
"Pompeo received protection because he had a fatwa ..."