long night...lifted:
"It is going to have to be something more like 30 y ..."
""As Ace accelerates into future time, his mass is ..."
Anna Puma:
"[i]Mahmoud Khalil's arrest is to be protested toda ..."
Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon:
"What is the crime he is charged with? ..."
Tex Lovera:
"375 Or, save yourself a step and just shit out the ..."
"The left: Punch NAZIS!
Also the left: Why you h ..."
"Do people just lose any critical thinking ability ..."
rickb223 [/s][/b][/u][/i]:
"They just don't make planes like they used to.
Ian S.:
"[i]I dunno you hear all these stories about “ ..."
Smell the Glove:
"Please give your bags of feces to the naked woman ..."
Anna Puma:
"11 of 12 toilets?
On a 10 hour flight?
Witho ..."
From about That Time:
"Logged into facebook to check for live music tonig ..."