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June 28, 2017
Sissy CNN Media Reporter: Critics of CNN Are Bigots We're Now Calling "Extreme Anti-Journalists"
Yes, of course. It was time to invent an "Islamophobia"-style slur to brand critics of genuine abuses with.
Before we get to this fat little girl's attempt at a new PC slur to control people, let's review some of the media's recent work, CNN's especially:
This liberal journalist freaks out over Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders' mention of a "barrage of fake news," shrilly screeching that she was "inflaming" people against reporters, which I guess makes them Feel Unsafe.
Chris Cuomo then welcomed this sad little girl on to CNN and told her she's always got a Safe Space there. Also in that clip, Chris Cuomo's co-bimbo said that journalists were now operating in a "war zone."
Chris, at what point does this become dangerous and I'm not just talking about dangerous as in tearing at the social fabric, I'm talking about dangerous in that a journalist gets hurt, because I can tell you working overseas in war zones, people are emboldened by the actions of this administration, emboldened by the all-out sort of declaration of war on the media, if I'm getting it in the neck, Chris I can only imagine what someone like you is dealing with. At what point does this become reckless or irresponsible, Chris?
Apparently inflaming people against Republicans is no big deal -- even in the aftermath of the shooting of four people by a Rachel Maddow Super-Fan.
(Which is why it's necessary that Sarah Palin sues the New York Times until they cry uncle.)
Jim Acosta is a hysterical drama queen who has to be reminded that there's no point playing to the cameras when the cameras are off.
However, people who aren't on TV have a way of getting their look-at-me hysterias out into the world. It's called Twitter.
After the week's biggest media story blew up on Friday -- with CNN retracting a shoddily-vetted Trump/Russia "story" -- the sad fat little girl Brian Stelter had no mention of it on his show, which is allegedly about the media itself.
o how much time did Stelter have for this story on his show Reliable Sources on Sunday? Nothing. Instead, Stelter spent more than five minutes hate-analyzing Fox & Friends as a Trump infomercial. He spent about ten and a half minutes indulging "TV legend" Phil Donahue. He even closed the show with four minutes allegedly about Russia -- but his guest Masha Gessen basically fed back Stelter his favorite talking point that Trump is an "aspiring autocrat" who's shutting down access to the press: "We're definitely hurtling towards a closed system of government..."
So in this context, sad fat little girl Brian Stelter attempts to create a new PC slur -- "extreme anti-journalist," which I guess is like racism, but worse, because it's racism against rich college-educated white people.
Xhe then decided to quote noted Objective Non-Partisan Expert Chuck Todd for his unbiased thoughts about the media.
Surprise! He's against Trump:
By way of a parting thought: As Jammie Wearing Fool noted after all this hysterical girl-crying, don't ever dare call CNN #FakeNews: