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April 28, 2017
More Madness: Pomona College Protests the Hiring of a White Professor; Students Charge That Laura Kipness Committed a Crime By Writing Book Critical of Title IX
So we're now in a No Whites Need Apply system. Wonderful.
To hire a white professor is an "egregious offense."
Is there any other kind, lately?
Students at Pomona College don't want sociology professor Alice Goffman to work on their campus because of her race, Campus Reform reports. Goffman is white.
The students at the Claremont, California academic institution wrote a letter to the school's administrators demanding that an offer of employment extended to Goffman be rescinded on the basis of the professor's race...
The open letter was produced by 128 "sociology students, alumni, and allies" who wished to express their "anger" and "concern" regarding Goffman's hire -- but not their names.
Meanwhile, Laura Kipnis, that feminist professor put through the Title IX Secret Evidence Court for daring to chide students for being special snowflakes about sex, is now being accused of having committed a crime for having discussed a colleague - using a pseudonym to protect this special snowflake's identity -- because it's mean or something.
By the way, the colleague in question filed charges against Kipnis. That kind of gives Kipnis the right to respond in a book, right? Lord knows she wasn't permitted to do so in a Title IX kangaroo court.