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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
April 26, 2017
The Morning Report 4/26/17
Good morning, kids. Lead stories this morning are all immigration/border security related and PDT's political situation and moves. As we all know, a traitor dressed in a black robe has unilaterally declared the President's completely legal and Constitutional executive actions to deny funding to "sanctuary cities" illegal. The reaction to this, aside from the justified cries of outrage, is the promise to (yet again) take this to the courts for redress. You know, I get the feeling sometimes of having deja vu all over again with this insanity. And once again, I try to ponder the predicament of using the Constitution and the courts to seek redress from a judiciary that is rejecting the oath it took to uphold that very document and impose its will on the American people. How does one use legal means to fight an almost completely corrupted legal system? The short answer is, obviously, it's impossible. Which leads to the ultimate question of what to do? We have two sides in this country that no longer obey and respect a common set of laws, values, traditions and institutions to settle political differences. We have one that is openly contemptuous of the aforementioned and seeks the overthrow of the nation and the seizure of absolute power and authority. Whether by mere coercion or hard tyranny, by hook or by crook, they will have it. Circling back, the administration announcing that they will take this to the courts is really no longer an option. Before my blood boils any further, here are the links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.