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Mid-Morning Open Thread
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April 13, 2017
The Morning Report 4/13/17
Good morning, kids. First off, I owe you all an apology. In posting about Ken Estes win in the special election for Mike Pompeo's seat, I parroted the MFM take that it was somehow a loss for Trump and a big win for "the resistance." That was total bullshit. Whatever problems PDT and the GOP are having, the Democrat party, at least electorally, is dropping below The Rent Is Too Damn High in national influence. I will endeavor to improve my vetting process. Now, to the news and topping it off is the hot situation in and around North Korea. Say what you will, but despite the anti-ChiCom rhetoric of the campaign, PDT has seemingly forged a relationship with Premier Xi that is one of mutual respect. So much so that the latter is poised to take out the Kim dynasty that threatens to destabilize everyone, including them, if Fat Boy hurls a Little Boy in any direction. Next, the palace intrigue or rumors thereof about the fate of Steve Bannon and the outsiders vs the Establishmentarians in the inner circle, another great essay from Daniel Greenfield wherein he has no problem in enemy identification, Justice Gorsuch (!) takes his seat on the SCOTUS and will have an immediate impact, plus other links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.