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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
April 10, 2017
The Morning Report 4/10/17

Good morning, kids. A
ziessen Pesach to all the Members of Tribe and to you all. May the Angel of Death pass over your house and visit, well, that list is too long to print here. As the fallout (dear Lord, no pun) continues over PDT's attack on Syria, both the Russians and the Iranians are now threatening the US that any further attacks will meet with retaliation. The fact that Iran is mouthing off lets you know that Iran is the key to this whole mess. The civil war hands them a strategic base with which to directly attack Israel, as well as Jordan and the Gulf States. Russia's decades-long strategic relationship with Assad is another factor to contend with, and on the other side of the coin, his deposing creates another ISIS stronghold. Over here, McStains who is always eager to throw GIs into the meat grinder is, get this, blaming PDT for the Syrians using gas. And his Renfield, Lindsay Grahamaphrodite, is calling for more boots on the ground. Well, at least we have Pyongyang Pudgy to distract us. On the domestic side, I'm disappointed that Steve Bannon appears to be being eased out in favor of Establishmentarians, including, sadly, his son-in-law. Well, we shall see. Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.