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April 03, 2017
Mid-Morning Open Thread

Lady Dog Lizard
James Rosenquist
J.J. Sefton told me of the artist's death (last Friday) and suggested him as an Art Thread topic. His comment was...
Not a fan really of pop art but I appreciated his work (see "F-111"). I thought at least he had a technical ability and knew how to paint.
...which says it all for me.
I found this in the NYT obituary, and it reinforced my opinion of the guy. Think what you will of his art, he had real-world experience and didn't minimize his connection to everyday life.
"Much of the aesthetic of my work comes from doing commercial art," Mr. Rosenquist said. "I painted pieces of bread, Arrow shirts, movie stars. It was very interesting. Before I came to New York I wanted to paint the Sistine Chapel. I thought this is where the school of mural painting exists. You were painting things up close, like big chocolate cakes. In Brooklyn, I painted Schenley whiskey bottles two stories high, 147 of them over every candy store."