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March 30, 2017
Media Snarking on Mike Pence's and Wife's Marital Rules
The Vice President never dines alone with another woman, in order to avoid temptation or even the appearance of impropriety which could spark jealousy or mistrust in his wife. I assume his wife follows a similar rule.
This is a pretty strict rule, but a wise one; temptations will happen, jealousies will erupt, unless you're pretty careful about just never putting yourself in a situation that could cause such things.
Certainly there's nothing wrong with it -- and a lot that's right with it. The most effective way to avoid being burned by fire is to never play with fire.
But the media, which never found anything curious about the Obama's his-and-hers separate vacations, or the Clinton's his-and-hers separate sex lives, finds this all very strange, and has been snarking on it for 48 hours.