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An Expression I've Come to Loathe [Warden] »
March 29, 2017
Are You Ready for Flying Cars and Floating Skyscrapers?
Supposedly this flying-saucer shaped aircar -- fans mounted in the disc around the driver's "pod" -- and has been "estimated" to fly at 120 miles per hour.
All the pictures and videos appear to be mock-ups so I don't think this has been built yet. The article seems kind of elusive when it comes to directly stating that.
But that's not even the wild speculative news. We've seen dozens of "Flying Cars are Coming" articles.
But what about flying skyscrapers?
The "Analemma Tower," so named because the designer keeps thinking "This is gonna get me so much ass," is planned to be hanged from a large mass -- an asteroid put in earth's orbit -- so that it traces a figure eight as the earth turns and moves through the sky over New York City and then Florida and Rio De Janiero and back again.
Yeah yeah, I know, it sounds crazy, and it'll never happen. For one thing, how do you actually get down to the earth to go to work?
NP, they've got you covered, fam: You parachute down to work. Every day, I guess!
How do you get back up? And how do you get back up when you're done with your working day in New York City, but now your home in the clouds has migrated south down to Cape Hatteras?
I don't know. I guess that's why you're gonna need the UFO car.
Nevermind the whole "we just need cables strong enough but also light enough to not fall under their own mass" problem is the reason we can't have nice things like space elevators.
Still, pretty mindblowing, just the idea of it.
Meanwhile, remember when the Progressive Internet Scientists all went berserk over a dumb video proposing that we make roadways out of solar panels, which can then produce electricity either to pump into into the cars driving on it or just to light up our cities?
And they were all like YEAH LET'S DO THAT?!
And remember when more sensible people who don't #LoveScience enough told them, "You're so dumb"?
And they said, "No, YOU'RE dumb, you #ScienceH8rs!"?
Well it turns out that they were, get this, dumb.
Open Thread.