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March 27, 2017
Mid-Morning Open Thread

Boatmen On The Missouri
George Caleb Bingham
This is an interesting and amusing painting, although nobody would argue for its inclusion among the greats. So why did I choose it? Well, in addition to it being nice to look at, it was donated to the De Young Museum Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd, the third generation of a famous family of fascist oppressors.
It's easy for the Left to demonize wealth, but here is a very nice example of what it can do. And while I have no need to assure you of this, I will, because it needs repeating: the progressive canard that government is necessary for the support of the arts is just that; a lie, perpetrated on the American public. I will take privately funded art any day of the week over the work product of the current crop of lazy, self-indulgent, narcissistic, talentless drones whose only skill is sticking a thumb in the eye of Western culture.