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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
March 16, 2017
The Morning Report 3/16/17

Good morning, kids. Sadly, Geert Wilders came up short in the Dutch elections. While most of the MFM is crowing that this was a repudiation of nationalism, populism etc. ad nauseeum, his standing and performance indicate that a significant portion of Dutch and dare I say other Europeans are disgusted and scared to death of the trajectory the continent is heading. In any case, the Dutch elections resemble that of South Carolina, where an outsider never has a chance against an entrenched Lindsay Grahamaphrodite. Other than that, as the Healthcare Renege/Replace battle continues, PDT's budget is giving me the Chris Matthews tingles; defense and border wall in, NPR and PBS out! And Chuck Schemer's cutesy-pie ventriloquist dummy has got her panties in a wad about discipline in the military. Listen, toots; if you and your band of degenerates in the Democrat Party had not turned the military into a grand social experiment, maybe there would not be a problem. My senator. Feh. Also, the usual links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.