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March 15, 2017
Nonetheless, She Persisted: Leftwing Community Organizers Posing as "Reporters" Continue Embarrassing Themselves
April D. Ryan really wants to make a silk purse out of a sow's arse, and that sow's arse is her own.
Meanwhile, Sonny Bunch has a good essay about Rachel Maddow taking conspiracy thinking "Mainstream," in a way. Apparently she attempted to pad out the beginning of her show -- delaying "the goods" on Trump's taxes, for a good reason (she had no goods) -- by riffing a bunch of sensationalist speculative conspiracy theories about what might eventually turn up in Trump's tax returns... some day.
It's interesting, isn't it, that the media has flipped completely on conspiracy theories?
Actually, they flip back and forth every day: They will decry the dark conspiratorial minds of Trump and his supporters on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and then on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, they frenzy themselves up with their own conspiracy theories.
But they don't call them that, of course. Perhaps they should call it "speculative journalism," or "alt-journalism."
OUT: Conspiracy theories are evidence of a deranged and most likely racist mind
IN: Conspiracy theories are the highest form of patriotism. As long as they're about Trump or Republicans.