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March 08, 2017
A True Feminist* Would Support Concealed Carry
Everyone has read the amusing and accurate aphorism:
"God Created Man: Samuel Colt Made Them Equal."
And in spite of the reflexive revulsion and denial of the typical feminist when confronted with the inescapable fact that men are stronger and more violent than women, there is no getting around it. A typical man can physically dominate a typical woman, and no amount of hyperbole can change that.
But guns can. And a woman carrying a weapon negates the genetic advantage that men have over the fairer sex. Why this isn't a rallying call at every feminist conclave is beyond me (not really).
No amount of training or urinating or vomiting or all of the other obscene techniques suggested by the hoplophobic feminist movement over the years will do anything to protect women from the depredations of larger, stronger men. Sure, there is a tiny number of women who can defend themselves without firearms, mostly as a result of years of rigorous training and being in the 1% genetically.
But a competent firearms instructor can teach most women to defend themselves quite well with just a few weeks or months of training. Defense against stalkers and domestic violence and rape and kidnap and carjacking and mugging and murder.
That is the ultimate feminist stance; one that is carefully and publicly rejected by feminist leaders around the world.
And maybe that will change, as more women reject traditional feminism and actually become feminists; taking control of their lives and safety.
Carl Smart: No need to panic over concealed carry
In the last few years, a quiet change has occurred. Women have been buying guns in record numbers -- and not as gifts for the men in their lives, but for themselves. So the face of the person carrying the concealed gun may not be male but female.
And that is awesome.
* I use "feminist" at least partly tongue-in-cheek, because it is an incomplete idea. A true feminist is in reality a humanist [bad word choice. Teej just bitch-slapped me for it], or should be. But they aren't. They are mostly just rent-seeking opportunists.