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March 10, 2017
We're Living In Crazytown Now
A week or two ago I was watching a YouTube clip of Piers Morgan on Bill Maher's show telling everyone running around with their hair on fire because, Trump, to take a chill pill. At one point Maher presented a list of "crazy" things that Trump had said, and his purpose was to try to convince Morgan that Trump's statements are objectively crazy by anybody's standards, and serious you guys, this craziness goes beyond politics. I found myself screaming at the computer monitor
"Maher, you loathsome, malignant buttpimple! Have you been BLIND for the past decade, or did you have somebody saw off the top of your own head because you thought it would make you look cool? You blithering idiot, you want to know what's crazy? Christian florists and bakers being forced under threat of legal sanctions to participate in homosexual marriage ceremonies, that's what's crazy. But you're apparently OK with that, you disgusting little toad of a man! You know what else is crazy? Ben Shapiro being threatened with violence because he refused to agree with a confused man's delusion that putting on a dress makes him a woman, and not just a man wearing a dress. Now *that's* some weapons-grade crazy right there! And all of this cray-cray is coming from *your* side of the aisle, so why don't you just own up to it, you hypocritical coward?"
Perhaps it's best that I don't get invited to these talk shows.
So here's the question, what is the craziest thing you've seen or heard?
At first I thought it might be this story, which ace covered a month or three ago, about some confused and/or mentally ill British boys who like to put on dresses, pretend that they're girls, and then are dismayed to discover that normal teenaged boys don't want to get into relationships with them when they are found out that they're boys wearing dresses.
What makes it such a strong contender for the title is that it's such a multi-layer cake of crazy:
1. British parents, schools, the medical profession are encouraging boys in their delusions rather than providing therapy.
2. The confused/mentally ill boys seem to be shocked at their lack of success with normal boys.
3. The BBC is actually making a series about all of this
4. ...and portraying this festival of perversity as just another specie of teen angst. You know, like pimples, school pressures, or finding a prom date.
But crazy as that is, I actually managed to find something even crazier:

Transgender pets rights. The new progressive cause. Somebody just shoot me now.

posted by OregonMuse at
06:26 PM
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