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March 02, 2017
Jeff Sessions Press Conference
So far, just an empty podium, as if Obama were speaking.
It's on. Here's CNN's feed. Fox dropped the ball and never put one up.
I can't just keep refreshing Fox waiting for them to do what they should have done 20 minutes ago.
Finally Fox put one up.
Summary: He says he was asked about "continuing contacts involving exchanges of information" and answered that question honesty.
But he also says that his staffers have advised him that, having been a part of the Trump campaign, he should recuse himself from being involved any investigation in the campaign. He says that advice is sound and he'll take it.
He says when the Ambassador came to his office, he had two of his senior staffers present, both former Army colonels, and possibly a junior staffer as well. He says there was nothing about the campaign, and says it was about terrorism and maybe the Ukraine came up. (This was because he had just met with the Ukrainian ambassador the previous day, and I guess the Russians wanted to get their words in as well. You know -- like ordinary business where one country's ambassador wants to chew your ear and then his rival wants the same opportunity.)
The meeting had been requested by the Ambasador earlier that day.
Neil Cavuto is now playing the full version of Franken's question-- like I've been banging on about.