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February 28, 2017
Very Cool Piece on the Echo Chamber
Two Obama political appointees recently resigned from the Trump White House as you'd imagine they would do as a routine matter, without controversy.
But there was controversy -- both people claimed to have resigned from Trump's White House for reasons having nothing at all to do with politics, but just having to do with Trump's policies.
Um, I know that makes no sense at all. There was no way to digest it in a way that makes any sense, because you can't make sense of gibberific double-talk such as "With no thought of politics whatsoever, I am resigning in political protest."
In both cases, the media partners in Obama's old Echo Chamber orchestra dutifully sold these stories to their declining readership with no skepticism.
Lee Smith exposes this.
It's about informational operations conducted by Obama sleepers and their agents of influence in the media. It's "crunchy" with cool bits of insidery information.
H/t to Instapundit.