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February 27, 2017
#NeverTrumper and Departed "Heat Street" Editor Louise Mensch: Not Only Did Russia Hack the Elections, They Assassinated Andrew Breitbart, Too
Huge if true.
BTW, I know many people were suspicious about this, but Andrew Breitbart had been diagnosed with heart problems not long before his death. He began exercising and dieting -- with the benefit of hindsight, I assume this was on doctor's orders.
I saw him a bit before his death, and he told me he was getting in shape and was eating a lot of meat and keeping away from carbs. Whether it was Atkins or paleo or some other variation, I don't know. I was in a Fat Phase myself at that time (I think) and I didn't want to talk about health matters (as I generally don't, when I know I'm not very healthy).
He informed me that he was going to get into such great shape and be so hot "that even you [Ace, that is] are gonna want to s*** my d***."
But apparently he learned about his heart troubles too late in the game. Maybe with six months' earlier notice, he'd still be around and taking his well-earned victory laps around the dying Democrat-Media Establishment.
And I guess I'd be trying to blow him. So the prophecy foretold.
Anyway, while his death was certainly "sudden," it was not without prior medical incident. Most of us didn't know that, obviously; I didn't know that when he informed me that in the soon-to-come future I'd be interested in putting him in my mouth. I didn't know the reasons for his health kick and didn't ask. (Everyone goes through those periodically, right?)
I should note that Breitbart's death (and those of some other people I knew and liked -- Mike Flynn being the last straw for me) spurred my own started-and-abandoned health kicks. I finally got more serious in 2015, when I quit smoking, and last year, when I got to getting in shape with the promise that I would not stop until 1, I looked like Daredevil, or 2, even the male readers of this site would line up to s*** my d***.
A lot of sense-leaving going 'round.
A former Bill Kristol super-fan (a "stalker," maybe, she says) now writes to him to say she's all done with him now.
A lot of people have just lost all control. Trump drives people crazy.
By the way, I see a lot of dark conspiratorial stuff from the left. The media routinely mocked such stuff from the right -- but for reasons I cannot even guess at, they've chosen to suppress all stories about the rising hysteria among the left (except, of course, to feed into it and amplify it).
I was recently in the company of progressives who were seriously talking about bug-out bags, evacuation plans, and going "off the grid" should the Trump Death Police come after them. I wanted to ask them if they had, in the past, made fun of conservatives for buying survival seeds and gold, and if so, what their opinion was about that now.
I guess we can thank Trump for waking progressives up to the possibility is not always a benevolent entity that gives people free stuff, and that civilization is fragile thing that cannot sustain being undermined forever without consequence.