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February 24, 2017
Women Flips Out Over a Guy Opening a Door For Her, Because #FatPositive or Something
She's "seething with empowerment," David Thompson writes.
So, this woman used to be very fat. She says men didn't hold doors open for her when she was fat. Now, she claims, three times in a week, men either hold a door for her or do some other minor helpful gesture.
And she's enraged about it.
Eh, I kinda get the "Why didn't you treat me like this when I was fat?" -- kind of. Except she doesn't know these random people wouldn't have done that several years ago. She's doing a lot of assuming.
Also, here's a serviceable secondary definition of decadence:
decadence: noun. a state of comfortable disengagement from reality in which one has run out of real problems and must make up fake problems to give the animal parts of her brain a work-out, or a similar state which encourages flights from reality in which decadent people studiously ignore real and difficult problems by inventing fake and easy problems to distract them.
Fake problems are kind of comforting, aren't they? They're entirely within your control. After all, you invented them. You get to be the hero of a dramatic struggle with absolutely no risk of failure or setback, because, well, it's all a fucking joke in the first place.