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February 23, 2017
Low Content Open Thread Until Ace Shows Up
OK, fine, I got nothing, but here's a new thread.
Marine Le Pen, president of the National Front (FN) political party in France (which is similar to the UKIP in Great Britain) went to a meeting with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. They told her to wear a hijab. She didn't. The meeting was cancelled.
You'd think she'd be hailed as a great feminist hero by Europe's progressive gliteratti. You'd be wrong. Perhaps this pic explains why:

It's funny how those fierce, fightin' feminists turn into cringing cowards whenever they're in a situation where their fierce, fightin' feminism has actual consequences.
And the only woman with the courage to stand up to the 7th century barbarians is Marine Le Pen. Who is literally Hitler.
Bonus material, because I'm a giver, here's the dumbest tweet this week:
She's getting lit up pretty good in the replies, though, so that's nice.

posted by OregonMuse at
11:56 AM
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