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February 17, 2017
Today's #FakeNews Freakout: OMG, Trump is Calling Out the National Guard to Round-Up Illegals!!!
Or not. Maybe just a provisional early draft memo -- not even from the White House -- included a provision that states could call upon the National Guards for specific duty on the border, you know, like Obama himself did a few years ago when the Unattended Child Illegal Immigrant thing was getting some (minor) attention from the media and he needed to pretend to be doing something about it.
Fucking embarrassing.
They have a new strategy, by the way. Sometimes, as with the NYT Flynn transcripts story, they write a scarifying headline, but then, in the body of the piece, they admit there's no there there.
But they rely on the headline to convey the opposite impression -- and they rely on the Blue Checkmark Mafia to retweet the shit out of headline only, with the implication our explicit claim that the article says what it simply does not say.
The other thing they do, obviously, as the AP did here, is straight-up lie. But that's not a new tactic for this crew.
Always read the article or the original documents. Getting freaked out? Is their viral hysteria infecting you?
Put aside the false claims and primal yelps they're making on social media and go to the original article -- or, when they deign to supply it, the original document they're blatantly misrepresenting.
You can insulate yourself from hysteria in that way -- don't buy into their second-hand telephone-game-of-hysterics method of reporting. Go the source, and walk way with an eased temper.
I said a briefer version of this on Twitter to these people:
Dear Media,
We all watched you in tears on election night, on our TVs.
We saw your crying. There's no denying it.
And there's no coming back from that.
Anyone who cries like a baby while on television over the election results cannot claim to be able to put aside his deep emotional reaction and behave professionally and detachedly in the months to follow.
We know what you are. We've always known what you were, but seeing the hysterical tears flow was proof to the rest of the world who suspected but did not know.
And we'll never believe a word you say again.
Go fuck yourselves dead,
The People Who Used to Watch You On TV
Bonus: There are no words left.