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February 08, 2017
Elizabeth Warren Told to Shut the F*** Up By Senate for Violating Rule Against Personally Attacking a Fellow Senator
If they're serious about this rule, maybe they'll be serious about enforcing the rule Sean Davis talks about, limiting a filibuster to two speeches per Senator per "legislative day."
Sen. Warren was interrupted before being able to finish reading [Coretta Scott] King's letter and statement. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell invoked Rule 19 (which establishes rules for floor debate so as to keep the discourse civil), in particular, the bit prohibiting Senators from imputing the motives of other Senators from the floor.
Elizabeth Warren's claims are asinine. She could have read from a different letter, if she weren't a hyperpartisan leftwing lightweight chokker who enjoys stealing jobs from American Indians.
I have known Senator Sessions for many years, beginning with the voter fraud case in Perry County in which my parents were defendants. My differences in policy and ideology with him do not translate to personal malice. He is not a racist. As I have said before, at no time then or now has Jeff Sessions said anything derogatory about my family. He was a prosecutor at the Federal level with a job to do. He was presented with evidence by a local District Attorney that he relied on, and his office presented the case. That’s what a prosecutor does. I believe him when he says that he was simply doing his job. I believe that he is someone with whom I, and others in the civil rights community can work if given the opportunity. I believe that he will listen, as he has in the past, to the concerns of my community. More than most I am very familiar with him. I believe he will be fair in his application of the law and the Constitution; as such I support his nomination to be the next Attorney General of the United States.
Meanwhile, Democrats are considering appointing an anti-semite and cohort of Louis Farrakhan as the chairman of their party, and few in the Capital Class seems very fussed about that.
Ellison’s claim of a "right-wing smear campaign" just took a major hit from an unexpected place: Left-wing standard-bearer Mother Jones magazine.
In an article arguing that Ellison is what Democrats need now, Mother Jones dug deeply into Ellison’s claims with regard to his Farrakhan connection. In so doing, Mother Jones not only cast into serious doubt Ellison’s defense, it also discovered even more troubling aspects of Ellison's past, including a tendency to use the now-fashionable intersectionality theory to cast European Jews as oppressors, particularly as relates to Israel.
Not only did Ellison maintain an association with Farrakhan longer than his revised history claims, but Mother Jones reports he had a problem with -- get this -- the Jews. Bigly.
Michael Olenick, a Jewish student who clashed with Ellison and who was the opinions editor at the Daily, recalled Ellison maintaining that an oppressed group could not be racist toward Jews because Jews were themselves oppressors. "European white Jews are trying to oppress minorities all over the world," Olenick remembers Ellison arguing. "Keith would go on all the time about 'Jewish slave traders.'" Another Jewish student active in progressive politics recalled Ellison's incredulous response to the controversy over Zionism. "What are you afraid of?" Ellison asked. "Do you think black nationalists are gonna get power and hurt Jews?"
Claim: Allahpundit notes a report stating that Mitch McConnell shut Lieawatha down precisely to elevate her in stature and make her the designated face of the Democrat "resistance" for the 2018 midterms.