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February 06, 2017

Monday Overnight Open Thread (2/6/17) Yoko Free Edition


Even President Reagan is getting into the act. Hillary Clinton will never be President of The United States.

On this day in 1911 Ronald Wilson Reagan is born.

Quotes of The Day

Quote I

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. Ronald Reagan

This is just as true as today as it was when President Reagan stated this.

Quote II

If we love our country, we should also love our countrymen. Ronald Reagan

Quote III

The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so. Ronald Reagan


Let Deadfish Emmanuel sue the Federal Government. Federal money has strings attached, see the 18 year old drinking age.

Sanctuary cities receive more money than "The Wall" would cost to build.

The federal government spends more every year funding sanctuary cities than it would cost to build a wall on our southern border.

The Washington Examiner highlights a new report that says the federal government spends nearly $27 billion annually on grants and payments to 106 American sanctuary cities – "money that President Trump has threatened to cut off if they continue to thwart federal immigration officials from seizing illegals in jail for local crimes."

Jeez, what a surprise. Settled science not settled. And downright bullshit, an inconvenient truth.

The report claimed that the ‘pause’ or ‘slowdown’ in global warming in the period since 1998 – revealed by UN scientists in 2013 – never existed, and that world temperatures had been rising faster than scientists expected. Launched by NOAA with a public relations fanfare, it was splashed across the world’s media, and cited repeatedly by politicians and policy makers.

But the whistleblower, Dr John Bates, a top NOAA scientist with an impeccable reputation, has shown The Mail on Sunday irrefutable evidence that the paper was based on misleading, ‘unverified’ data.

An exception to the rule, math on The ONT.

Su opened his talk with the story of Christopher, an inmate serving a long sentence for armed robbery who had begun to teach himself math from textbooks he had ordered. After seven years in prison, during which he studied algebra, trigonometry, geometry, and calculus, he wrote to Su asking for advice on how to continue his work. After Su told this story, he asked the packed ballroom at the Marriott Marquis, his voice breaking: “When you think of who does mathematics, do you think of Christopher?”

America's murder rate is rising. The fastest pace since the 1970s.

MURDER, which grew rarer for 20 years, is on the rise again. But by how much? In 2015, the number of murders increased by 11% nationwide. During 2016, an escalation of gang violence in Chicago left 764 people dead in a city where 485 had been killed a year before. A dispute ensued over whether the Windy City was simply an isolated example or a barometer of a wider problem. National statistics for 2016 will not be released for eight months, but to get an early sense of the answer The Economist has gathered murder statistics for 2016 for the 50 cities with the most murders. These places contain 15% of the country’s population and around 36% of murder victims. Our numbers show that, in 2016, murders increased in 34 of the cities we tracked. Three cities experienced a spike in deaths sharper than the 58% suffered by Chicago. Since cities tend to reflect the country as a whole, this suggests that the murder rate is rising at its fastest pace since the early 1970s.

Young white American's death rates increase.

A new and disturbing report in The Lancet, based on data collected from the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics, shows an increase in the death rates from 1999 to 2014 for young Americans, driven substantially by a shocking increase in the mortality of white women aged 25 to 35.

Hate crime!! More discrimination against Muslims. Nah, just kidding you.

Don't care to live on earth? Moving to Mars isn't your thing? How about living in an underwater city?

Ah, the Looney Left. If wearing ugly knitted vagina caps wasn't feeble enough, how about this? Dear Ruth Bader Ginsburg: If you need anything — blood, organs — take mine.And Leftie women want to be taken seriously?

I am 32 years old and in good health. I take vitamins and fish oil. In the gym, I recently lifted almost three times your weight with my butt.

Do you like platelets? I have excellent platelets. I have had all my shots. If you, personally, ask me to, I will give up cheese. I can do eight push-ups and a 10-minute mile. My kidneys function well. I have two. Either one is yours for the taking. Both, if need be.

Too bad she didn't have any f*cking brains or common sense wrapped up in that body.

It's hard to keep a good man or woman down. Milo's book goes Number 1.

And, if that wasn't enough to piss the Left off, Milo plans on going back to Cal-Berkeley.

The guy has guts.

And the current state of elected officials and appointed officials lack courage. The night the campus erupted before Milo's scheduled speech is not the first time UC-Berkeley was a hot bed of violence. The Gipper faced down the petulant children of the 60s.

We've gone from being Deplorables to? NAZIS Your humble ONT Cob prefers to be called Mr. Deplorable Nazi.

I guess calling everyone a “racist” doesn’t work anymore. If it did, Trump would have lost.

As a result, we are all Nazis now.

Milo Yiannapoulos is a gay Jew who can’t seem to go more than five minutes without mentioning that he loves sucking black cock. He has openly and repeatedly disavowed white nationalism, especially the “14/88” crowd.

Doesn’t matter. Posters preceding his recent appearance in Denver tagged him as a “Nazi” and encouraged punching him


Time for a little soothing music, wouldn't you say?

The ONT Musical Interlude

1965, The Righteous Brothers started a two week run at No.1 on the US singles chart with the Phil Spector produced 'You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'. The song was also No.1 in the UK for the duo (who were not related in any way). via

2011, Irish guitarist and singer Gary Moore died in his sleep of a heart attack in his hotel room while on holiday in Estepona, Spain. Moore had been a member of Skid Row, Thin Lizzy, and Colosseum II, before going solo, scoring the 1979 UK No.8 single 'Parisienne Walkways'. Moore's greatest influence in the early days was guitarist Peter Green of Fleetwood Mac, who was a mentor to Moore when performing in Dublin.via


SMOD wannabe, Missed us by that {~} much.

Scott Adams, Dilbert from February 14, 1990. How amazing, what a prediction. h/t Ace O'Dale

Do you have to think on your feet at your job? Check out this weatherman. Job well done.

How to keep your kids under control. How to keep your pet under control, remote control.

Planning on a vacation? Not sure where to go? Looking for something different? From the looks of it, Russia could be the ticket.


Nothing says PARTY like drinking Valu-Rite from a shoe.

Everyone should remodel once in their life. Here is an easy upgrade to your bathroom.

In case the remodeling kills you or your significant other, A Coroner answers Top 10 questions regarding death.

Be honest. Do you guys ever crack jokes about a corpse's bad tattoos, genital size, or anything like that?
Absolutely not. The whole point is being dignified about the deceased. It's our job to figure out the story of what happened to them based on the clues they've left behind about they're death because we're investigating something of a criminal nature.

The ONT calls bullshit on that answer.

News tips, loose change and choo-choo train tokens can be sent there. Or here, petmorons at gmail.

If one decides to burglarize, doesn't one plan? Genius Award Winner.

Modern medicine continues to amaze. Today's Feel Good Story of The Day.

Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Salad, Moron's Salad.


Notice: Posted with permission by AceCorp, LLC. Silly rabbits, The ONT is for Morons!!!!

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:50 PM

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