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Sarah Silverman: Hey, Let's Fight Fascism With a Military Coup Against a Democratically Elected Government »
February 02, 2017
Professor Of Political Philosophy Suggests A Military Response To President Trump's Assault On Democracy (Whatever That May Be)
I am curious whether Sarah Sliverman has ever had a conversation with anyone in the military, or is aware that the American military sort of frowns on coups.
And I am also curious about how she sees President Trump's actions in the context of violation of our civil liberties and the Constitution.
As far as I know, The U.S. Constitution does not apply to foreign nationals who live abroad. And I seem to be missing any other action that can be construed as a violation of our rights. But I will defer to Professor Silverman's vast experience with and knowledge of the Constitution.
Dueling Threads [ace]: CBD posted this at about the same time I did. I'm putting it up again so you can have FREEDOM in your choice of which very similar thread to post in.