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Odd Brock »
January 31, 2017
Boy Scouts Now Open to "Transgender" Children
You know, 12 year old girls who have decided, after several months of intense grappling, that they're really boys.
Um, shouldn't we sort of wait until kids have undergone actual puberty, and the surge of sex-differentiating hormones that attends it, before letting them tell us that they're really girls or really boys?
By the way, the little girl in this case was... eight years old.
And "transgender," despite the fact that she hasn't actually gone through the hormonal process that defines gender.
A New Jersey woman whose son was asked to leave his Boy Scouts troop after leaders found out he is transgender said she has mixed emotions about the organization's decision to allow transgender children who identify as boys to enroll in its boys-only programs.
The Boy Scouts of America announced Monday that enrollment in its boys-only programs will now be based on the gender a child or parent lists on his application to become a scout, rather than the gender listed on the child's birth certificate.