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ONT #2: There's #FakeNews and #FakeNews »
January 27, 2017
ONT - Everything According to Plan edition
Whathisname is indisposed, and the other whatstherenames are drinking. Or sleeping. Or most likely looking at pr0n, like whathisname.
So your extra special Friday ONT is produced by your friendly neigborhood krakatoa, and Hot Pockets the Clown.
Swamp is draining.
Federal Expenditures are dropping, dropping, dropping.
Immigration laws are laws again.
Walls are being erected.
In other news:
To err is human. To errs is the MSM.
Nasty girls, ranked in order from least important and culturally relevant to most:
10: Madonna
9: Ashley "Puffy" Judd
8: Some teenage slam poet from Tennessee
7: Shia LaBeouf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>-Exponential Gap-<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Speaking of Ashley Judd -- personally I try to pay as little attention to her as possible. I have fond memories of her early roles, mostly based on hormones and a sock.
It's difficult to ignore though, like the first time you meet LauraW's hump. Both are pudgy, wild-eyed and bed-headed, flailing about with motion that's somewhere between human and animatronic jellyfish. Both smell of hobo sweat and bloody sheets. But only one of them can speak with correct grammar and a surprisingly beguiling voice, and the other is Ashley Judd.
Pre-Caturday Cat:
Pussy Attention Status: Grabbed
This ONT brought to you by Beta Males:
posted by krakatoa at
10:00 PM
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