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December 23, 2016
Rockette (Apparently the Rockettes Still Exist) Complains of Being "Forced" To Perform at Trump Inauguration; Liberals Start Speaking Up for... Wait for it... Freedom of Conscience in Refusing to Serve Some Would-Be Patrons
A gallon of irony spilled, but not a drop splashed on the progressives.
Rockette Phoebe Pearl said in an Instagram post Thursday night that she was "embarrassed and disappointed" to appear at the event.
"I usually don't use social media to make a political stand but I feel overwhelmed with emotion," Pearl wrote.
I'd be curious to look into this claim. As near as I can tell, all progressives do is use social media to talk about their political feelz of the day.
Pearl said she felt uncomfortable about the performance, given Trump's history with unsavory language and assault allegations....
'I am speaking for just myself but please know that after we found out this news, we have been performing with tears in our eyes and heavy hearts #notmypresident"
According to Broadwayworld.com, the Rockettes were sent an email by their union that told them they were not able to "boycott" the event.
"Everyone is entitled to her own political beliefs, but there is no room for this in the workplace," the email read.
"If you are not full time, you do not have to sign up to do this work. If you are full time, you are obligated."
Of course progressives have dropped their Bake Me a Cake, Cake-Bitch line to start screaming that no one should ever be forced to perform a service or sell a good to someone who's political beliefs they object to.
Including George Takei, widely known for being Star Trek's first openly-retarded actor:
I've seen some low-IQ progressives (is there any other kind?) attempting to argue against the inarguable: that they're now reversing their previous stance (Bake Me a Cake, Cake-Bitch) simply because they agree with this person.
I've seen some of this on Twitter (I don't see progz very often besides Twitter, I mean, except for all of television and movies and magazines and newspapers), and their argument seems to be: "This is different because Reasons, Stupid."
We are coming to a flashpoint in all of this. We used to have a Rule of Law, where certain actions -- not certain people -- were outlawed. One could or could not do this or say this. All of this depended on the action, not the actor.
One might disagree with the law that one must provide services to any traveler if one were in the business of providing a "public accomdation" (hotels and restaurants near major travel routes), but even if one disagreed with the law, one could at least find solace in the idea that the law would protect one as well as others. Sure, maybe you couldn't discriminate against person x, but then, no one could refuse to rent a hotel room to you just because they "didn't like the looks of you."
But that's changing -- and quickly. We no longer have a Rule of Law, but a Rule of Status. It is not the action which is proscribed; it is the actor himself made outlaw. Some people -- progressives, members of "protected classes," members of Obama's political coalition -- have the right to do whatever they want and break any alleged "law" they like with impunity.
Meanwhile, the laws are applied with iron force to those outside the Coalition of the Privileged. And because these laws fall only on the Officially Disfavored Classes, the Officially Favored Class never has to ask themselves, "Wait, do I want this rule, given that I might myself be pinioned by it?" Because, of course, they know full well they never will be pinioned by it.
They are First Class Citizens. The rest of us are Coach or Steerage.
We must defer to our Superiors.
And mark my words: this Brave Special Snowflake Dissenter will in fact be excused from the arduous duty of doing her job.
It might even just be Trump who excuses her -- because who wants a potential saboteur on stage?
And mark my words as well: This is the end of civil society and a peaceful America. Because no man will accept being made a second-class citizen.
You want war? Keep it up. And I don't mean social war. I don't mean Twitter war.
I mean the bloody kind.
Keep it up, fellas. Keep it up.