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November 10, 2016
As Anti-Trump Violence Perpetrated By Hillary/Obama/Soros Minions Spreads Across America, Media Blesses It and Encourages It With Their Silence and Even Support
Is it true that "dark rhetoric" encourages violence?
I think it might be true. I'm not convinced it's true, but I'm sensitive enough to the possibility that it may be true that I'm cautious about writing things that might stir dark hearts to perform dark deeds.
But I know who definitely thinks it's true: the media, which is always on vigilant patrol about "dark rhetoric emanating from rightwing quarters" and said dark rhetoric's ability to spark genuine political violence.
Well, the political left is right now calling for a lot of violence.
Last night, CNN interviewed a protester who explicitly called for violence -- people will have to die for there to be real change, she avowed. And CNN didn't seem particularly fussed by it.
"If we don't fight, who is going to fight for us? People had to die for your freedom where we’re at today. We can’t just do rallies, we have to fight back," said Lily, a Latina woman from Los Angeles.
"There will be casualties on both sides. There will be, because people have to die to make a change in this world," she continued.
This call for violence -- political murder and assassination -- went out over CNN's bandwidth. Seems to me that as they were the conveyor of the call to assassination, they have a moral duty to repudiate it -- but I do not see this story on their front page, nor in politics, nor any mention in Opinion, where I'd expect CNN to sternly warn people from this kind of "dark rhetoric."
If it's there, I don't see it. I did see a headline on "Trump's tax trick, explained," so you can tell, they're really up-to-the-minute on breaking news.
So which is it, media -- is hateful, violent rhetoric something to be sternly vigilant about, or is a little exhortation to murder just fine and dandy if you want to kill the right people for the right reasons?
Think this has no effect? Think again. In another story the media is embargoing, an older man was dragged from his car and beaten by a mob which shouted "He voted for Trump!" as he was subject to a beat down from multiple people attacking him in wolfpack style, one attacks while the other waits for his turn.
Is this just some Dark Rhetoric by Conservatives Making up Racist Stories?
Nope! It's all on dramatic videotape. The perps videotaped themselves doing it.
They seem to steal his car at the end too, but we don't see them drive it away, because the video ends there.
So: which is it, media?
I know #WhiteLivesMatter is a politically incorrect thing to say, but are you really now standing behind the actual declaration that white lives don't matter?
If so, then say so: If it be war, then let it be a declared war, so that both sides know the agreed-upon Rules of Engagement.
Please: Watch language in comments. I know this story is infuriating but never forget their violence is speech but your speech is violence.
And remember, there are bad people and criminals of all races. Race is not the issue here -- except indirectly, in that the Orwellian culture promoted by the media is single-mindedly set to detect and shame conservative misbehavior, while pretending away any bad actions committed by a member of the Obama/Clinton Coalition.
Either the rules bind all or the rules bind none.
The media, more than any institution in America, is undermining and actually now destroying the very fabric of American political stability.
No one is willing to be the last person to take up violence. The last person to take up violence usually winds up dead or at least bleeding on the street.
By not condemning violence on all sides, the media is doing its level best to promote violence by all sides.