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How About Some More Delicious Tears from SJWs? »
November 10, 2016
Mid-Morning Open Thread [CBD]

Albert Bierstadt
What? Symbolic? Of what? I have no idea to what you lunatics are referring.
I woke up this morning after having dreamed that HRC, the drunk, neurological disease-ridden kleptocrat that the Democrats had anointed as president had lost the election to a shit-stirring, combative bombast who wouldn't cower from the typical Leftist attacks, and would even fire off broadsides of his own.
Anyway, if you don't like the non-symbolic nature of this morning's art, perhaps this link will be more satisfying.
And a very happy birthday to The Bard of the Barrel, The Poet of Porn, The Rhymer of The Rockies....Muldoon!
Sixty years ago, our Muldoon was born
His welcome here is never outworn
With his wit he disarms us
With his limericks he charms us
Happy birthday to our own King of Corn!
-- Bluebell
There once was a man named Muldoon
We love the puns from that loon
We should give him the keys
To post as he please
Unless Ace is up before noon!
-- Mama AJ

posted by Open Blogger at
09:30 AM
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