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The Media Has Ring-Led Social Media Hate Campaigns For Years.
Only When That Same Social-Pressure Tactic is Directed At They Themselves Do They Suddenly Complain. �
November 07, 2016
Republican-Primary Debate Moderator John Harwood Asked Hillary Campaign Manager Jon Podesta What Question He Should Ask Jeb In an Interview
I knew this guy only from liberal -- as obliviously liberal as the day is long. He's one of those guys who drinks the Kool-Ade then turns to you with purple-stained lips and says "I drank no Kool-Ade," and he's pass a lie detector on that, because he's one of those liberals who is so absolutely liberal he's entirely unaware there's a way to think which is not his own. He doesn't even taste the Kool-Ade. He thinks it's just Pretty Water.
I and many others cried foul when CNBC invited this New York Times stooge to interrogate the Republican primary hopefuls, and he performed down to expectations, proving to many even in the mainstream media itself that there was a lot of political bias in the media.
Earlier Wikileaks revealed he had bragged to the Hillary Clinton campaign about deliberately provoking Trump at the debate.
Harwood titled the email "I imagine�" and continued the sentence in the body of the email, writing, "�that Obama feels some (sad) vindication at this demonstration of his years-long point about the opposition party veering off the rails."
"I certainly am feeling that way with respect to how I questioned Trump at our debate," Harwood continued.
Well, maybe this Kool-Ade drinker has finally crossed the Rubiocon: Because now Wikileaks reveals that Harwood was asking Hillary Clinton's campaign manager on advice about what questions to ask then-very-possible Republican nominee Jeb Bush.
Presumably he wasn't shopping for friendly, how's-your-family-and-yoga-routines questions.