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Debate Thread Two: The Economy »
October 19, 2016
Final Debate Thread: The Mishegas In Las Ve-gas
While you wait, you can chew on this post by John Sexton on the parties' use of the "system is rigged" meme:
it’s fair to say that between Occupy Wall Street, the Piketty boom, the attacks on Mitt Romney and “vampire capitalism” we’ve had five solid years of progressives insisting the system is rigged. And it has an impact. It’s talk like this that results in 43% of Democratic primary voters saying they are fans of socialism and 56% saying the government is in the best position to run the economy (52% would support nationalizing major industries).
Where has the media been all this time? Why haven’t they scolded Democrats for language that is intended to destroy people’s belief in the reliability of our economic system?
The fact that so few journalists seem to have noticed the parallel tells you more about journalists than it does about whether or not endless attacks on capitalism are a good idea.