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October 18, 2016
A Very Special Tuesday Monday Moron Medical Monitoring
Plus: New Interests/Hobbies/Projects Thread
I forgot to put up a Hobbies/Interests/Self-Improvement thread this week, so this week's medical thread will be a two-fer.
On my own side, my brief resumation of my GAINZ has mostly stalled out, though I may or may not have lost something like a pound. (Or a half a pound.) It's hard to know because my weight is always low after I work out intensely -- all sweat weight.
I have a strong feeling that once I gain back all my water I'll have lost nothing on the week.
On the plus side, my moobs are looking less moobish and may actually look like actual adult male pectoral muscles at some future date. My love handles -- which I've had since I was a kid, including when I was in shape -- are melting away down to the point they're not even really love handles.
On the other hand, the belly fat is stubborn and remains 90% intact. But maybe the love handle reduction is a sign of good things to come. Maybe the belly is just the last redoubt.
Now, I have to be honest with you: Two weeks ago I took a week off from physical exercise, and for the past two weeks (after I resumed exercise) my dedication to HFLC and IF has been... iffy.
I am sort of in the ballpark of HFLC -- usually -- but as far as IF, I have resumed eating at night, usually after having exercised, justifying this (maybe partly correctly) that my body needs the protein to build new muscle.
But... um, I do have protein powders for that, so...
Anyway, my disciple has faltered. Not quite collapsed -- but definitely faltered to the point where I should not be at all surprised to find myself merely treading water and making no GAINZZZZ. I've been out of ketosis more often than I've been in it.
I barely got back into it yesterday after having gone out completely over the weekend.
So I've got some minor GAINZZZ, but nowhere near what I want, and I blame both myself and you for that. Mostly you. You've really let me down on this one, guys.
I may do the Fat Fast. I threatened to do this a month ago, but didn't; it's time again to do 3-4 days of eating 90% fat. I'll do it over the weekend, maybe, when I usually do not exercise (at least lately I haven't) and so I won't have the "gotta get your protein" excuse.
So: tell me about your own GAINZZ.
And also, any projects you've begun or plan to begin.