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Benghazi Survivor Mark "Oz" Geist To Have Front Row Seat for Hillary's Conniptions »
September 26, 2016
Debate Odds
Suggested by Not_Steve.
PROPOSITION: ODDS (amount paid: for amount wagered)
Hillary wears something white: 3:1
Hillary wears something ill-fitting and ghastly: even
Hillary wears something that looks like she stole it from a homeless ghost cursed to haunt the earth until she tells 10,001 lies: 9:1
Trump says "Believe me:" 1:3
Trump pays himself a compliment, and adds "You all know, you've all said this many many times yourself:" 1:2
Trump says his dick smells like frankincense and winning: 10:1
Trump says his dick smells like frankincense and winning, then adds "You all know, you've all said this many many times yourself:" 25:1
Trump exhales loudly through his nose when the camera's not on him: 2:1
Trump exhales so loudly through his nose you an Amber Alert goes out for an immigrant child running out of air tied up inside his podium: 13:1
Hillary talks some bullshit smack like "You ask MOAMAR QADAFFI if he thinks I'm tough enough!:" 3:2
Hillary talks some bullshit smack like "You ask VINCE FOSTER if he thinks I'm tough enough!:" 40:1
Trump denies voting for the Iraq War: No bets accepted (guaranteed)
Hillary denies voting for the Iraq War: 7:1
Hillary has a cough: 1:6
Hillary has a wet cough: 3:2
Hillary coughs up something that looks like lung and Scrapple: 10:1