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September 22, 2016
Update: Tired of the Angry Alcoholics Thread-Stalking and Constantly Shit-Stirring
Lot of bannngs coming.
You can only be warned so many fucking times.
Join Alcoholics Anonymous, assholes. No one else wants to see your drunken, irrational anger and girlish sniping day after day after fucking day.
Get clean and get a moment of clarity and maybe come back when you've got your 90 day chip.
Hint: When a moderator tells you to STOP, you either STOP, or you get banned.
In addition, threads will have comments CLOSED if this continues, and you'll be named as the reason why.
There are some losers who are Anger Junkies and seem to believe the rest of us find their unending, pathetic INTERNET WARZ to be highly fascinating.
Pro-Tip, Losers: We do not find your pathetic INTERNET WARZ fascinating.
If you are getting your only emotional release from your made-up, unmanly daily drama on the Internet, for God's sake: Get a life.
Take the advice I have been trying to offer and get outside the fucking house for once, talk to real people for once, and develop a hobby that doesn't involve typing angry comments into your masturbation box.
Do you know that when other people see your behavior, we do not think, "Wow, what a sick burn that guy just dished out"?
No, what we're thinking is: "How sad that this is this shut-ins only engagement with what he sadly terms 'the world'."
You're embarrassing yourselves, which I don't give a shit about, and you're embarrassing everyone else here.
That part I do care about.
If you want to drop Sick Burns on people all day and do your stupid unending TRUMP WARZ, then go to fucking Twitter.
BTW: All coblogs and everyone with the banhammer are now authorized to BAN ON WHIM.
I'm really tired of people challenging moderators' authority -- moderators who are doing a thankless and wearying and absolutely necessary job.
Anyone know why so many cobs keep quitting? A big part of it is people getting WORN THE FUCK OUT by the nasty cohort here who will just not stop.
So now everyone is authorized to ban at the drop of the hat. Cobs and moderators usually ask me "should I ban this person for this;" well, that regime is over. Ban as you like. I'll only look at these things retrospectively.
When I get around to it.
Which I probably won't, because I don't like dealing with this constant bullshit either. No one does.
If you want to be reinstated, you can petition me for the reinstatement, and i'll get around to looking at that in three or four weeks. Or, never.
10% of any group is responsible for 90% of the moderators' attention -- and we moderators have decided you're just not worth the hassle any longer.
So-- by all means, keep ignoring moderators and other commenters (many who have the banhammer code) when they issue a friendly, but direct, warning.