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September 20, 2016
Bombing Suspect Amhad Khan Rahami's Father Reported Him to Police as Being a Terrorist in 2014;
Federal Agents Closed Investigation After Father "Recanted"
We see this happening an awful lot.
Maybe -- just maybe -- this has to do with Obama's relentless pressure to pretend terrorism away and purge government files of terrorism-related notifications in people's files.
Two years before Ahmad Khan Rahami went on a bombing rampage in New York and New Jersey, his father told the police that the son was a terrorist, prompting a review by federal agents, according to two senior law enforcement officials.
The father made the statement about his son being a terrorist to New Jersey police in 2014, when Mr. Rahami was arrested after a domestic dispute and accused of stabbing his brother.
The information was passed to the Joint Terrorism Task Force led by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Newark. Officers opened what is known as an assessment, the most basic of F.B.I. investigations, and interviewed the father, who then recanted.
An official, when asked about the inquiry, said the father made the comment out of anger at his son.
Also in that story: When Rahami was shot, a notebook was found on his person, containing jihadist writings and exhortations to "kill the kuffar."
If the kuffar are so fucking stupid to allow this to continue, maybe they deserve their fate.
CNN buries this tidbit, deliberately, it seems to me:
Rahami was born in Afghanistan and traveled home often -- common for immigrant families. He is married to a woman from Pakistan, who was in the United States recently but left just before the bombings.
CNN subscribes to the notion that the most important thing in any terrorism case isn't protecting American citizens, but rather downplaying highly curious facts in order to keep bloodthirsty American citizens from going into "backlash" frenzies.
If CNN thinks so little of its own audience as to have to bury highly, highly newsworthy bits of information for fear their audience will begin lynching people, maybe CNN's audience should consider seeking out another news outlet that holds them in higher regard.